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Find mobility in hospital information management software.

The Hospital Management Information System Software allows easy access to patient data to generate various records, including classification based on demographic, gender, age, and so on. It is especially beneficial at the ambulatory point, hence enhancing continuity of care. Internet-based access improves the ability to access such data remotely. In Medstarhis Hospital management system can be installed and accessed from various mobile platforms like Apple IOS (Ipad), Android, Windows etc. which allows the users to view & transact information from the application while on the move. Mobility covers the various workflows, both administrative and clinical functions. The examples of the functions which Medinous provides on mobility include Administrative Functions: Registration of patients by the front office staff

  • Admission Request for a patient by a doctor
  • Referral of a patient to another specialist
  • Approval of discounts request by the authorized manager
  • Approval of Purchase Requisitions to process for the preparation of purchase orders

Clinical Functions:

  • View Results of Investigations requested, especially critical or abnormal results
  • View EMR of a patient referred by another doctor
  • Order prescriptions based on test results
  • Stop any of the ordered medications for a patient, based on test results
  • Place instructions to the nursing staff regarding a patient’s care
  • Initiation of discharge of a patient, based on results of a particular test result waited for


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