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What is healthy life.?


1.  Exercise

Go for daily exercise can reduce the biomarkers of ageing. It improves eyesight, normalizes blood pressure, improves lean muscles, lowers cholesterol, and improves bone density. 

Go for a walk with your friends or family  

Track your mood, it can notice that you stay more positive and cheerful on days when you get your daily exercise. 

Exercise releases endorphins into your body, boosting your overall mood and wellness. In this way, exercise not just helps you stay physically fit, but also reduces your risk of depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses.

2.   Drink Enough Water

Staying hydrated is vital for maintaining good health and body function. Water detoxifies, helps digestion, aids chemotherapy outcome, prevents build-up, energizes muscles and regulates body temperature.

Consider keeping a bottle of water at your desk while you work and at your bedside when you sleep. It will remind you to drink more water.

 3.   Eat Right

Aim for five servings of vegetables a day. Do them any way you like, raw, steamed, or stir-fried. 

A diet high in vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of developing cancers of the lung, colon, breast, cervix, oesophagus, stomach, bladder, pancreas, and ovaries. The 5-meal ideal helps manage your weight, maintain focus, and avoid cravings.

Work towards cutting out empty calories from your diet. This includes fizzy drinks, candy, and processed foods like chips. These do not provide nutrients to your body but fill you up with more calories than you need. 

4.    Meditate

Meditation has far-reaching and long-lasting benefits.It lowers stress levels, allows us to connect better, improves focus and heals pain. 

With enough practice, mindfulness, reducing brain chatter and just being kind to yourself can turn into habits for life.

5.   Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

While there is no one-size-fits-all weight for everybody, the body mass index is a good tool to find out if you’re at your perfect weight. A BMI that ranges between 18.5 and 22.9 is ideal. 

Weight loss regimes are great, given that one does the right things. Weighing yourself often is a good way to keep those extra pounds at bay.

You can consult a dietitian to find out which foods are best for your body type. Avoid following fads and check with your doctor when in doubt. 

6.   Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Relaxation and meditation techniques, a warm glass of milk, a hot shower before going to bed can help you get a good night’s rest. 

Avoid meals just before going to bed, darken your bedroom and sink into a stress-free sleep. Tracking your sleep is a good idea once you have unplugged yourself from unnecessary digital distractions. 

Maybe journaling your thoughts can help your brain quieten down just before you’re ready to slip away into a repose.

Ensure you get enough sunlight during the day. The sunlight helps your body produce melanin which in turn will help you fall asleep at night. Even 15 minutes in the sun each day can make a difference to your sleep. 


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